Our Message

Our Staff

Oriel and Heather

Oriel O’Gorman


Oriel is originally from Dublin and has been a Bible teacher and church pastor on the East Coast of Ireland for over 11 years. He and his lovely wife Heather have 6 kids; Ruth, Abigail, Sarah, Seán, Rose and Saoirse. They live in Tinahely, County Wicklow.


Faith On Fire is a ministry of Lifegate Bible Baptist Church

  • To enthusiastically cooperate with the Holy Spirit in His present-day action of bringing the Good News of Jesus Christ to people in Ireland, by prayerfully leading out in communicating that Good News in an understandable, accessible and innovative way, and by training and enabling ordinary believers to do the same.

  • God-dependence – Convinced that only God can prosper our mission, we pray, pray and pray some more!

    Optimism – Believing Jesus said there is a great potential harvest, we expect people to come to faith in Christ and we prepare for this.

    Cooperation – knowing we can’t do this alone, we work side by side with other believers in Jesus Christ to reach unbelievers and train believers.

    Understandability – Persuaded that the gospel never changes, but language and culture do, we strive to:

    o Present the Gospel in a way that is understandable to people in Ireland today

    o Persuasively answer the real questions of the modern mind regarding faith and the Bible

    o Relate the message and implications of the Gospel to the needs and problems people actually face.

    Excellence – Working together, we endeavour to do everything we do to the highest possible standard.

  • The Scriptures  II Timothy 3:15-17 Inspired - The Bible, including all 66 books and the Old and New Testaments, is breathed out by God.  Every part of it is written by God, and it IS God’s Word.  Sufficient - It is enough to teach a person how to be saved, and to teach a believer to be and do everything God wants them to be and do.

    The True God  Jeremiah 10:10  Unity – There is one, and only one, living and true God, the God of the Bible. Trinity – God is one essence in three persons, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

    Jesus Christ Isaiah 7:14; Philippians 2:5-10 Deity – Jesus Christ is fully God, no less than God the Father. Incarnation – Without ceasing to be God, Jesus became human by being conceived by the Holy Spirit and being born of the Virgin Mary. Work – Jesus died on the cross for the sins of all mankind, He rose from the dead three days later, and He ascended to Heaven where He remains now.

    The Holy Spirit  Hebrews 9:14 Deity – The Holy Spirit is also fully God, no less than the Father or the Son. Work – The Holy Spirit convicts the world of sin, righteousness and judgement, and regenerates and indwells each person who believes on Jesus for salvation. He empowers, guides, teaches and fills believers who completely surrender to Him.

    Satan Ephesians 6:11&12 Satan is a distinct person, who was created as a holy angel, but through pride and ambition rebelled against God and was cast out of Heaven. He is the enemy of God and His people, and the leader of an organized army of evil angels and spirits.

    The Fall of Man Romans 5:12&19; Revelation 21:8 Through the temptation of Satan, Adam disobeyed God’s command and fell from his holy state. Because of this all human beings are now born sinners. Sadly, because of this, and our personal decisions to disobey God, we justly deserve eternal punishment in Hell.  

    The Way of Salvation II Corinthians 5:21; Ephesians 2:8&9 The salvation of sinners is completely by the free grace of God through the death of Christ on the cross. It has nothing to do with any effort or action we take, but requires that we depend upon Jesus once and for all as our payment for sin.

    Repentance and Faith Acts 3:19; 20:21 Repentance and Faith occur when a person is deeply convinced of their guilt, danger and helplessness, and of Christ being the only way of salvation and then receiving Jesus Christ and relying on Him as the only and all-sufficient Saviour.

    Regeneration John 3:5&16; II Corinthians 5:17 When a person believes on Jesus, they are regenerated or born again. In the new birth, one who was dead in sins receives eternal life and becomes spiritually alive, a new creation!

    Justification Romans 4:28; 5:1 Justification describes God forgiving our sin and giving to us His righteous state as we place our faith in Christ for salvation. Justification brings us into a state of peace, blessing and favour with God.

    The Resurrection Mathew 28:5-7; Daniel 12:2 Jesus Christ rose from the dead bodily “the third day according to the Scriptures,” and appeared to over 500 brethren. There will be a resurrection of believers in Jesus and a resurrection of unbelievers, separated in time. The bodies of believers will be transformed and conformed to the glorious spiritual body of Christ in heaven.

    Spiritual Gifts  I Corinthians 12:4-11; I Corinthians 13:8; Ephesians 4:11&12 The leadership gifts of evangelists and pastors and the functioning non-leadership gifts operate in the body of Christ today. The sign miracles, such as tongues and prophecy, ceased as the New Testament Scriptures were completed.

    The Local Church Matthew 28:19-20; Philippians 1:1 A local church is a group of baptized believers associated by a covenant of faith, observing the ordinances of Christ, governed by the commands of His Word, exercising the spiritual gifts and various privileges given to them and seeking to extend the Gospel to the ends of the earth. We are passionate about the local church and it’s central importance in Gospel work, and we seek to support it in all our endeavours.