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Faith On Fire


Faith On Fire

If Jesus Christ showed up on your doorstep today, how would you react? “Hold on, I’ll get Mary, she’s into that religious stuff.” You may feel like Jesus is “not for you,” or maybe, like Mary, you do. But “Faith on Fire” exists because Jesus is for EVERYONE! A friendship with Him is what we all need; and it would mean big gains in your everyday life. I’m talking deep peace, real happiness, and liberation from guilt and shame. I’m talking closer human relationships and release from the destruction of life-dominating habits. Better yet, this friendship would one day save your life, because it decides where each of us spends forever. Look, I know you may have had lots of “religion,” but this is different… 

Check out the Video below to learn more

To find out more about a relationship with Jesus go to the videos section

Faith on Fire Ireland

is a Bible teaching Group based in South Wicklow, that serves the Island of Ireland.

What we do:

  • Run in-person Events, Bible Studies and Outreaches in different locations. (check out our Facebook and Instagram for details)

  • Run Zoom Bible studies using the Word One-to-One Booklets.

  • Produce online videos including the Faith on Fire Podcast.

  • Equip and Inspire believers in Jesus to share the Good News about HIM more effectively through training courses and speaking engagements at churches and events.

  • And much more!

Sign up for more information and updates.

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